
3 mins

What is a good flooring for a rental house?

When thinking of renting a home, you always know the flooring is going to take a beating. I worked in property maintenance for over 10 years and saw things that some only think exist in movies. Pathways though a home because clothes, stuff,...

5 mins

Why would I want to install flooring or look at that as a career?

Everyone in this world at one point in their life must choose what they will do to make a living for themselves. When you are in High School, there is a lot of pressure for students to go to college and to get jobs that don’t require manual labor.

3 mins

How do you choose what flooring to buy?

When you are looking for flooring, what are the things you look for in the flooring to make your choice? Is it the color, feeling, pattern, or how it performs? There can be so many things that you find when searching that it can be confusing, but...

2 mins

What is the best flooring for home theaters?

What are the most important things that the home movie goer needs to get the best experience at home when watching a movie? One is a quality screen that has a good resolution. Two, the sound should be clear and deep. If you have hard surfaces in...

4 mins

Where will you find the most advanced, durable, and beautiful flooring products?

When you are looking for the best flooring for your home, where do you look? A lot of people look online to find answers. Some will ask people they know and some will go to the box stores to look around since there are no sales men to ask you...

3 mins

Which flooring gets the best Return On Investment (ROI) when selling a home?

When selling a home, sometimes your flooring is at a point where it needs to be replaced or updated to make it more attractive to buyers. Some will look for the cheapest route, and others will look for the product that will make the home more...

5 mins

What are the cost in installing flooring?

Everyone wants to save money when they need flooring installed. Some go the route to do it themselves, or they try to do parts of the job before installers come. Others will just pay a professional to do it for them so that they know it was done...

2 mins

Flooring that is Easy to Install is Great, Right?

If you are installing your own flooring, what are you looking for? Easy to install or do it yourself are easy to find in most retail stores. You want something that will save you money by not having to pay someone to install it for you. It is a...

What is a scratch proof floor? Does it really exist?
6 mins

What is a scratch proof floor? Does it really exist?

Everybody is looking for a floor that can handle everything and not get damaged in any way. Does that floor really exist? Can there really be the perfect floor out there that you can install it and nothing will damage it? The absolute answer is...

Why you should pick carpet for a new floor
4 mins

Why you should pick carpet for a new floor

When looking for new flooring, carpet will usually be the lowest priced option to start with.  It can also become a very expensive option as well. Starting price can be around $2 and will go up to $30 or more. It can fit in many different budgets...